
I am a research scientist at Meta (AI and Systems Co-Design team).

I am was a PhD student in computer science at Georgia Institute of Technology advised by Dr. Tushar Krishna as a member of the Synergy Lab. The PDF version of CV is available at the link.


Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)

Korea Science Academy of KAIST (KSA)


Meta, Menlo Park, CA, USA

NVIDIA Research, Westford, MA, USA

NVIDIA Research, Santa Clara, CA, USA

Facebook, Seattle, WA, USA

Intel Labs, Hillsboro, OR, USA

VoyagerX, Seoul, Korea

Samsung Research, Seoul, Korea.

Korea Augmentation to the US Army, Seoul, Korea

Kakao Corp, Seongnam, Korea